
Hello, welcome to My Blog.
Thanks to visit my blog and came back soon ya :)
Please Leave your comment and follow me :) thanks before and after (:

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010


Heihoo bloggers;)
sekarang udah liburan niiih. Gue sama keluarga gue liburan ke duripekan*yang deketdeket aja;D
Tadi gue sempet fotofoto diplayground xD seharusnya gue ga ikutan main karena udah lebih dari 12 tahun. tapi mo gimana lagi-,- pengeeen. *MKKB
 nih fotofotonyah. Checkthisout!;O
with a fake horse

jelek beud-,-

DAM3 dan DAM2



Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Ice Cream and chocolate

Hello guys;)
Now i wanna discuss about ice cream.
almost every people in this whole world know "ice cream". Ice cream is the delicious meal. we can meet them at the store, etc. ice cream has many taste. usually ice cream has sweet taste: grape, strawberry, chocolate, melon, banana, orange, and many more. but, there was some weird taste of ice cream too. that taste were: caviar ice cream, candied bacon ice cream, natural viagra ice cream, fish ice cream, black sesame ice cream, salad ice cream, charcoal ice cream, octopus ice cream, etc
this is some pic of the sweet ice cream taste:

with strawberry and blueberry(?)
it's look good

Chocolate Icecream
many kind of taste there

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010


Hello guys,
Welcome to my new blog. 
I am Anne Amalia Rahmanita. You can call me Anne. I was born in Dumai, August 21st 1997. Now, I was 13 years old. I was school in one of Junior High School in Dumai. I love my world, i love my way, and i love my life. I was the first child in my family. I had 3 young brothers that i'd loved. I had a strong mother and i had a handsome and cool father. My father was gone about 2 months ago. I didn't want to always sad. 
I had a lot of friends. And I love to be their friends with them.
I would appreciate it if you want to be friends with me.
let's be friends ;)

follow my twitter and add me on my facebook ^^
@anneamaliara and @anneamalia